The deadline was 31 August 2019.
To register, send an email to
- with an attached short motivation letter and
- indicating whether you are interested in free accommodation, a
single or shared room (in which case also optionally the name of the person you
would share the room with).
Short motivation letter
Please state in your motivation letter:
- your background (mathematics, engineering, partial differential equations, systems
and control theory, ...),
- previous model order reduction knowledge (reduced basis methods, system-theoretic
methods, ...),
- your motivation for using pyMOR,
- optionally, the problem to which you would like to apply model order reduction.
This information will only be used to adapt the School's program.
Free accommodation
We can offer free accommodation to a limited number participants.
The choice of participants will be done on a first come, first served
We will inform you until 15 September 2019 about the offer.